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We’re Here For Washington County Businesses

We offer all of our services to both residential and commercial properties, however, there are some differences between how the two are handled. Commercial entities may purchase compost, participate in our paint exchange program, and use the landfill. Businesses can also bring out Freon appliances for a charge.

To pay your commercial bill online, please click "Commercial Bill Pay" at the top right of this page.

Landfill Rules

All commercial haulers must supply their own safety vests or purchase one for $5.39 and they must be worn at the working face. Commercial haulers must pay a flat rate of $72.49 for all unsecured loads, plus the regular tonnage rate.

Paint Exchange

Small businesses that meet the “conditionally exempt small quantity generators” criteria, meaning they produce less than 220 lbs. per month, can drop off their paint for a fee of $3.24 per gallon. See here for more information on the exchange program.

Landfill Charges

For current landfill fees, visit our Landfill Fee page